The feel of holding your baby for the first time is something out of the world. Every first step of a child becomes a memorable day for his parents. Right from the day of a baby’s birth until his first birthday, parents are curious to know about their baby’s activities and milestones. Generally, every parent has a curiosity that their child's development should going on with the right time. And it is quite natural, I believe! The feel of holding your baby for the first time is something out of the world. Every first step of a child becomes a memorable day for his parents. Right from the day of a baby’s birth until his first birthday, parents are curious to know about their baby’s activities and milestones. Generally, every parent has a curiosity that their child's development should going on with the right time. And it is quite natural, I believe!

Hence, to make the understanding about baby’s development easier, the following baby development chart has been presented in this blog to give you an overview of what your baby is doing at each age. However, remember, every baby is different from the other. It is not correct to compare your baby with others, as some are quick learners, and some are slow learners, but at the end they are the good learners, if proper support and care is being provided.
1st Month
Sleeping, crying and pooping.
Able to see the objects at a distance of 8 inches to 12 inches.
Can identify mother’s milk.
2nd Month
Getting stronger.
Give more focus to black and white patterns.
Active listener.
Giving response via ‘cooing’.
Moving arms and legs in delight.
3rd Month
Able to hold head, still bobs forward.
Holds objects.
Follow objects more clearly.
Can locate sound.
Smiles at familiar faces.
4th Month
Good head control.
Sits with support.
Lift his head and chest when lying on surface.
Plays with hands.
Starts coordinating eyes with hands.
Laughs and enjoy when being rocked or bounced.
5th Month
Teething phase starts.
Hold his head while sitting with support.
Starts rolling from back to front.
Can put his toe thumb into his mouth.
Starts making different sounds.
Can hold the objects.
6th Month
Biting the objects.
Can bear weights on hand.
Adjusts body to see an object.
Can hold feeding bottle in hand.
Can recognise his mom and dad.
May utter ‘ma’ ‘da’.
7th Month
Start sitting without support.
Can transfer an object from one hand to another.
Responds when called with name.
Able to play with his toys by banging them on surface.
8th Month
Sits well without support.
Try to stand by holding the furniture.
Try to reach the object, if it lying far.
Starts uttering ‘mama’, ‘dada’, etc.
Shows tantrums while wearing diapers and clothes.
Able to throw an object.
9th Month
Crawling starts.
Able to pull himself from a sitting position.
Able to sit for a longer duration.
Able to pick up an object using thumb and index finger.
Understands the word 'NO'.
10 month
Try to recover balance.
Able to walk while holding both hands.
Understands 'Bye-Bye' and waves too.
Starts clapping.
11 month
Starts taking steps by holding the furniture.
Play with the kitchen containers.
Rolls a ball.
Shakes head for saying 'No'.
12 month
Starts walking holding one hand.
Able to turn page of a book.
Repeats the words repeatedly.
Imitate the sounds of dogs and cats.
Say more words other than 'mama', dada'.
Please note that the above mentioned milestones of a baby are in general and usual. Some babies do achieve their milestones fast and some get them slow. Therefore, do not be worried if you find your baby has not achieved certain points.
Very Informative post and a helpful to all mothers who are bringup their children in 1st year. #CrossBorderSisters #OpenNtalk
I am so glad Varsha to hear this.. thanks a a bunch for appreciating my efforts..
This is like the best thing for newbie mommies, I'm yet to experience this way but was guess what I have bookmarked this to my Chrome already :)
Thanks for sharing this yaa. #InvincibleGang
Thanks dear Sabeeka. :)
All the important information just at a glance.. amazing to have for all new parents #OpenNTalk #Bloggingdivas