Coronavirus is a large family of viruses which causes illness and disease to humans as well as to the animals. Hence to prevent and stay protected from this virus, it is very important to understand its symptoms and ways of prevention.

Some of the content of this blog has been sourced from the offical website of WHO
As we are well informed about the fact that Coronavirus is highly contagious and spreads easily in air, hence it is important to understand and follow the basic protective measures to stay protected from this 'pandemic' situation.
1. Wash and sanitize your hands at regular intervals - Washing of hands and sanitizing them with hand-sanitizer at regular intervals is a most recommended advice that is being circulated everywhere. Gel-based hand sanitizers with more than 60% isopropyl alcohol should be the preferred choice. Sanitizers are effective in killing most of the germs and microbes.
If hand sanitizer is not available with you, then wash your hands with regular soap and water effectively.
2. Avoid getting into a mass gathering - Until this pandemic situation comes under the control, avoid getting into any mass gathering or social meet-ups. You never know who is affected by Coronavirus. As Coronavirus is highly contagious, hence it is better to stay at home and be safe. If the meeting is of utmost importance and cannot be skipped, then attend that gathering or meet-up by covering up your mouth and nose with a mask or with any DIY mask. Apparently, we all know how to make a mask from a handkerchief. ;)
3. Do 'this' when you cough or sneeze in public - Sneeze or cough may come abruptly without any major medical reason behind it. It may come due to pollution, dust and dirt, or even because of mild flu. In this case, if you feel sneezing or coughing, cover your nose and mouth with a flexed elbow or use a tissue and throw into the bin immediately after its use.
4. Maintain Social distance - In general, when we meet our friends or family we greet them by a handshake or by a hug, but due to its high level of contagiousness, it is advised to maintain some social distance. Avoid hugging your friend and family, refrain from handshakes, avoid sitting too close, do not eat any leftover food of anyone, etc.
Instead, one can greet anyone in an Indian way of joining hands together and saying 'Namaste' to each other. Alternatively, the Chinese traditional way of greeting can also be a good choice.
5. Stay at home and relax if you are unwell due to mild flu - While suffering from common flu, the immunity of the body gets affected, hence it is better to stay at home and relax so that recovery becomes easy and quick. Moreover, consumption of liquids like vegetable soup, ginger tea and lukewarm water can be of great help for treating common cold and flu.
The following video has been added for your help and convenience to know more about Coronavirus. For any further help and support, please visit the WHO website.
Please maintain personal hygiene and stay protected and safe. Furthermore, if you observe any sudden symptoms of Flu, despite not having any travel history and personal hygiene, contact your doctor immediately.
take care.
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