Travelling should be avoided during this pandemic situation because of safety reasons, still, if it becomes inevitable one can travel via flight safely if follows certain hygiene and safety rules.
Lovely Tiny Things is sharing here recent updates on Indian Domestic Flight Travelling which can help a traveller during this pandemic situation of COVID 19.

The following tips will be helpful for the Indian Domestic Flight Travel purpose. Nevertheless, there can be minor changes depending upon the State Government rules.
Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, several flights and airline sector has made necessary modifications in their airline travel advisory and they keep on updating these policies as per the State/Central Government rules. Therefore, it is vital to understand the current policies that airlines share with all of its travellers. This information can be availed from any of the airline's official website or via online ticketing platform like Yatra, MakeMyTrip, etc.
Secondly, prefer to book your tickets from your airline's official website or from any genuine ticketing platform because, in any case of refunds or date change, the process becomes easier. Do not go by any travel agent whom you don't know personally.
Do not miss to read all necessary messages that you receive from the airlines with respect to your travel. Keep your baggage light and travel-friendly; and less in numbers so that your check-in becomes quick and convenient.
Now, it has become mandatory to do web check-in 2 days prior to travelling and get your e-boarding pass on your registered mobile number and email. This ease the entire process of check-in making it short, convenient and touch-free.
The usage of Aarogya Setu App is also mandatory for everyone, whoever is going to board a flight. Keep your Aarogya Setu App updated and phone's Bluetooth ON, while entering in the premise of the airport, sp that the airport personnel can know your health status.
There's a very famous phrase, 'prevention is better than cure', hence it is essential to adopt certain safety measures to stay safe while travelling during coronavirus lockdown.
The first and foremost measure is to wear a mask throughout your entire journey. Do not remove it for a minute as well. These masks help in the prevention of the disease by those of with virus.
Secondly, follow the proper social distancing rules while you're in the airport. Follow the instructions given by the airport authority regarding the same for the safety of the passengers.
Next, carry a disinfectant spray and hand sanitizer bottle with you, preferably of mini-packs as these mini-packs are portable and easy to carry while travelling. The disinfectant spray can be used on any surface, and these on-the-go packs can be used in cars, plane, restaurant, benches or chairs, or even at any public transport. If you're looking to buy this disinfectant spray, you can click the below links of the brands. You will not be charged anything extra apart from the price of the product.
If any passenger has got a middle seat during his/her travel, he/she will get a PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) kit to wear. This PPE kit will include a face shield, face mask, coverall suit, and gloves. Whereas, the passengers seating on the window seat and aisle seat will get face shield, face mask, and gloves.
Nevertheless, the middle seat is subjected to the number of passengers travelling on a flight. If there are not many passengers in a flight then airlines do not offer the middle seat to its passengers, thereby keeping it vacant for the safety of the other passengers.
Meals are not provided on flight unlike those of earlier days, wherein we can buy some meals on the flight. However, one can purchase some light meals at the airport or at the boarding lounge area to satiate his hunger.
A small bottle of water can be kept in cabin luggage or in a handbag, but that too not more than 1litre of quantity per passenger. Even in flight, you can ask for water if needed.
Rest of the process is completely the same, hence one should not worry about the changes. Although there can be minor changes in the process of check-in, that too will be communicated to the travellers via text message well before the journey timings.
There are many states in India that ask their outside visitors to share the date of their arrival and departure. In such a situation, you fill the necessary information through the form, whose link will be shared a week prior to the journey. Once filled, the automated acknowledgement receipt needs to be shared at the airport.
The major thing to look while travelling during the pandemic is to focus on personal hygiene factors. One should not be panic or make the situation difficult for any other traveller too. Remember, the situation is to be safe and keep others safe, hence be relaxed when you're travelling and follow the instructions given by the airline service provider.