When schools and educational institutions are closed and children are bored sitting at home without school activities and work, you can browse the following list of helpful and free educational websites for your kindergarten children.

These kindergarten learning websites provide free access to the worksheets and other relevant activities, which can help a child to enhance his knowledge. These free educational websites make learning fun and interactive. Moreover, it will keep your child practised and learnt about the new concepts even before he returns to school.
Or, else you can also browse the list of those books which are great for your little preschooler.
As its tagline says, "adaptive learning, beyond classroom !", Global Shiksha provides free activities for kids of kindergarten. It helps the child to practice Maths, EVS and English. It has various online tests for the different subjects to enhance the knowledge of a kindergarten kid.
Additionally, not only a kindergarten kid but also the students of class 1 to class 6 can take the benefit of this educational website. To know more about this Free Educational learning website, click Global Shiksha.
Whenever, Wherever Online Test (WWOLT) is a free educational website especially for Maths subject. Here, school students can practice maths online. WWOLT provides practice sets as well as complete assessment tests. In fact, this online learning website is good for high school students as well.
The maths practice sets provided on the website are easy to understand and helps a child to practice more and more and get the concept clear. And the best part, it is all FREE!
3. Soft Schools
Softschools.com is one of the free online educational websites for Kg students. It not only provides free access to multiple math worksheets, but also makes learning fun with different grammar quizzes, math games, and playful activities. All these are organized by grades and topics. Softschools.com also gives access to free printable worksheets as per the grades and topics.
Cool Math Tutor, as its name implies, makes learning mathematics fun and interesting. This free online educational website is very interactive and loaded with various math activities, fun games, puzzles and quizzes. The worksheets provided here can be downloaded for its further use. Kindergarten kids get lots of learning options which will make them properly understood about the topic and subject. Visit coolmathtutor.com for further information.
5. Little Maths
This free online educational website for Kindergarten has not only worksheets to practice but also has Olympiad Model questions. This website enables a student to practice mathematics, learn General Knowledge questions, and solve logical reasoning. It contains daily maths practice worksheets for LKG students as well as up to Class 2 students. This website helps a student to develop problem-solving skills which enhance thinking power.
littlemaths.com has been designed to meet today's competitive demand to make student smart and prompt.
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